We often receive messages from customers who feel like they’re navigating the rough seas of hair loss alone, uncertain if there’s a glimmer of hope ahead. Hair loss can be deeply personal, and for many, the emotional weight can feel heavy, affecting every corner of their daily lives. At Aéde, we understand how these struggles ripple into confidence, identity, and beyond. We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Juliana, who courageously shared her own story, reflecting on how Aéde helped her restore her hair and confidence.

What were your initial hair concerns that led you to start taking Aéde?

I didn’t go through menopause until I was 60, and it was then that I noticed significant thinning of my once beautiful long hair. I ended up cutting it very short. Unfortunately, during the Covid period, I was diagnosed with Lymphoma, and nearly all my hair fell out to the point where you could clearly see my scalp. Words can’t fully express how devastated I felt.

What inspired you to give Aéde a try?

I had been a client at KOH Hair Salon for a few years, and Chantelle, the salon manager,  understood my sadness and how desperate I was to find something to help my hair grow. In April 2022, during one of my visits, Chantelle mentioned Aéde, telling me she had heard positive feedback about it. I ordered it that very day, hoping for the best.

How did you feel about your hair before starting Aéde? 

Going from having long, lush blonde hair to almost no hair, with my scalp clearly visible at 67 made me not want to look at myself in the mirror. I lost my confidence, my usual happy personality, and stopped wanting to go out with my husband or socialise. I wore hats and scarves all the time. To be honest, I was sad, down and suffering anxiety, and visited a specialist who told me it was normal at my age… not what I wanted to hear.

When did you first begin to notice changes in your hair?

Honestly, I started to notice a difference within 8 weeks. My hair felt different, stronger to be specific. Then, within 4 months, I saw new growth all over my scalp. It was growing at such a rapid rate that I could actually see the transformation happening before my eyes.

How would you describe your hair now, compared to when you started?

Now, my hair is long, lush, thick, bouncy, and healthy. I get it trimmed every 8 weeks, and my hairdresser still can’t believe the transformation. She has to pinch herself, asking if it’s really the same head of hair.

How has your experience with Aéde impacted your confidence?

I feel like a completely new person, from the inside out. I’m cheerful, happy, glowing with confidence, and constantly smiling. My friends cannot believe the growth and health of my hair, and are always complimenting me. Wow, it certainly gives you back your confidence, and many of my friends are now using Aéde because of my experience.

How long have you consistently been using Aéde, and what keeps you committed?  

I’ve been taking two supplements every day, without fail, since April 10th, 2022. It’s the very first thing I do each day. After reading so many articles about hair loss in women after menopause and cancer, I feel so grateful to see my beautiful hair in the mirror every day. I am constantly smiling, receiving glowing compliments and I feel fabulous. That’s all I need to keep me committed for life.

What do you love most about Aéde, and why would you recommend it to others? 

It’s easy to take and it works 100 percent, you just need to be patient. I’ve recommended Aéde to everyone I meet, and share my story with others who are now using Aéde and experiencing the same glowing results.  

I simply cannot find enough words to describe how happy and grateful I am. My new hair has given me strength, renewed confidence, and makes every day feel like a blessing.