Our journey began with a modest aim: to create a hair-enhancing wellness supplement that actually walked the talk.
So, we set out to create what we couldn’t find, cue Aéde.

We’re not about overwhelming you with scientific jargon (because what does ‘molecule multiplicity’ mean, anyway?), cutting costs or corners to the detriment of your wellbeing, or making wild claims we can’t stand behind. Our bespoke supplements contain ingredients that are clinically proven to deliver results and have been crafted by a team of award-winning industry experts who specialise in creating complementary medicines.

Life is filled to the brim with compromises, but we make none of those when it comes to the development of our formulations, the potency, purity and efficacy of our ingredients and our passion for assisting you in your hair health journey. Quality is paramount for us in creating a trusted, positive customer experience and ensuring long term hair health results.

Self-loving is no longer about sprinting on a treadmill to nowhere or attending that dreaded dental appointment. Collectively we have evolved and welcomed the concept of rituals into our loving arms. These are sacred moments that anchor us and propel us forward. Taking control of your hair health is taking back your power. Your hair is your armour and it’s with you every flick of the way. We’re not about instilling lack, we want to inspire and enhance your wellness journey to a healthier and enriched self.

I have always had a love for hair, not just because of the art and creativity or my background as a hairdresser, but the ability to alter a client’s mane and therefore transform the way they feel about themselves - there is just no feeling like it. Aéde was driven by this same desire.
I had witnessed a number of my clients suffer from hair loss, thinning and shedding over the years and I wanted to be able to offer a solution. My clients were coming to me for answers and there was nothing on the market that as a professional, I felt comfortable recommending.
I realised we needed a new solution that addressed hair health from within, and so, Aéde was born. Bespoke, results driven, clinically proven formulations that did not compromise on quality and did what they said they would.
I really do feel blessed to have developed products that have positively impacted the way people feel about themselves.