If you’ve got plans to cultivate good habits for hair growth, we can help. Ahead, you’ll discover hair growth habits that not only nourish strands but also contribute to optimal growth. 

Whether you're looking to learn how to grow your hair faster or fix stunted hair growth (i.e. understand why your hair won't grow past your shoulders), these tips will help you form a personalised checklist of best habits for healthy hair. From our selection of supplements that each promise impressive results (check our Instagram for the three-month hair growth before and afters!), to easy at-home tricks for promoting growth, it’s all about gearing your routine towards radiant, resilient and ridiculously beautiful hair. Ready to boost your growth journey?

Healthy Habit for Hair Growth #1: Scalp massage

A great idea? Stimulating blood flow with regular scalp massage to help encourage healthier hair follicles. Our Harmonise tool is an easy way to do this. It was created to facilitate a traditional therapeutic technique, gua sha, which is a form of massage (formally referred to as scraping) that originates from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In a gua sha treatment, the objective is to apply pressure in short or long strokes to help release stagnant energy and increase circulation, stimulating the flow of life energy, or "Qi," to help improve hair health. 

How can you DIY gua sha scalp massage? Check out our how-to video for easy instructions. 

Healthy Habit for Hair Growth #2: Supplementation

While a balanced, nutrient-rich diet is ideal, hair-boosting supplements can be helpful in encouraging growth. Hair Activist and Power Activist each pack a powerful punch of vitamins and minerals, including biotin, selenium, vitamin C, iron, silicon, zinc and more, that may be missing from your daily diet. Whether you're looking to boost length, enhance thickness, or simply fortify your strands, the right supplements can often make a remarkable difference.

Healthy Habit for Hair Growth #3: Oiling your hair

Embrace the ritual of hair oiling, a tradition that transcends cultures. Nourishing oils like coconut, argan, and jojoba are rich in vitamins and fatty acids, which proponents believe help fortify the hair from root to tip. Plus, a soothing massage with hair oil not only stimulates circulation but also nourishes the scalp, promoting a healthy environment for hair growth.

Healthy Habit for Hair Growth #4: Regular trims

It may seem counterintuitive, but for really long hair you’ll need to schedule in regular trims. Seeing your hairdresser on the regular can help to prevent split ends and breakage, promoting healthier, fuller growth over time. Remember that to grow quickly, hair needs a consistent care routine, which includes cuts. (Sorry!) Here, patience is a virtue – healthy hair growth takes time.

Healthy Habit for Hair Growth #5: Protective styling

If you really want to level up your hair care routine, consider trying out protective hairstyles to help minimise the kind of damage that keeps hair shorter for longer. Avoid tight, slicked-back styles that can cause stress on your hair and scalp, and try something looser instead. If you can also limit – or completely stop – heat styling, you’ll be doing your strands a favour. You might like to swap out regular hair ties for silk to reduce friction and lessen breakage further, too.