Let’s talk about hair loss. It’s a tricky topic to navigate, and one most would rather avoid - particularly men (myself included). Not only is it something that we never want to come to terms with - why does losing hair signify we’re getting old? - but entertaining the notion of even combatting hair loss seems like a fanciful idea.
While that sounds all doom and gloom, we’re here to tell you that firstly, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with hair loss or going bald. But in saying that, if you had the chance to stop or even reverse hair loss, you would take it, wouldn’t you?
Well, we’re here to break down the barriers and enlighten the men reading this piece about the possibilities of salvaging the hair you have now, and perhaps improving its vitality and health for potential new growth to occur. Hair loss doesn’t need to be frightening, gents, nor do you need to feel like you’re in it alone.
What causes hair loss?
It may come as a shock to many but about 85% of men will experience major hair thinning by the time they reach 50, while some will experience hair loss as early as 21. Really, it comes down to a host of factors, such as genetics, hormones, health and general lifestyle factors (studies show that smoking tobacco can damage your hair follicles and increase the chances of hair loss, for example).
There are a few different types of hair loss, too. There’s general hair loss (or alopecia as it is medically referred to), which can affect just your scalp or your entire body. And while often temporary, it can sometimes be a permanent condition. Then there is male-pattern baldness, the most common condition of hair loss in men, which is a genetic condition that relates to both genes and male hormones. This type of hair loss can start as early as your twenties.
The main cause of male-pattern baldness is the prevalence of a hormone called DHT, which essentially causes the hair follicles to shrink, getting so small that it makes it incredibly difficult for hair to grow… and thrive. This type of hair loss often starts as a receding hairline, general thinning of the hair or a bald spot that most likely develops on the crown (back) of the skull.
And no, wearing a baseball cap won’t make you go bald, nor will drying your hair with a hairdryer every day.
From a personal account, as I approached 30, I noticed a general thinning of my hair, which can cause quite a shock to the system. I’m yet to determine whether I am a victim of MPB or perhaps just experiencing the natural cycle of ageing …
Potential remedies
We’re sad to say that unfortunately, there is no miracle elixir that can magically bring back those luscious locks of your youth. However, with the advancements in today’s medicine and the further understanding of hair loss, its factors and how it affects men (and women), we have come leaps and bounds from a time where you’d really only be presented with one remedy to hair loss as a male: to shave the remaining hair you had left.
While that is a perfectly acceptable avenue you may want to take, there are also a host of different routes to regain control of your hair health. The first is vitamins. Now, for those of you reading this piece, you’re likely doing so from the Aéde website. I stumbled across Aéde over two years ago now, and can honestly say that utilising Aéde’s formulated vitamins for hair health has been a game changer. While I’m not seeing regrowth in areas that have thinned out around certain areas like my temples, I am seeing thicker, fuller hair everywhere else. My hair generally looks healthier and more lustrous, too.
Aéde’s whole philosophy is that they believe haircare starts from the inside out. They implore the use of Australian-made, clinically-proven plant and nutrient complex supplements designed to improve hair health, growth and thickness. Vitamins, such as Power Activist, target multiple factors that contribute to hair loss, such as stress, nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances. Of course, there are a number of other proven hair loss vitamins on the market that can assist you in ensuring your hair is receiving all the nutrients it needs for hair growth success, but Aéde is a fantastic starting point if you’re at a crossroads.
There are now also a plethora of hair loss-targeted shampoos and conditioners you can adopt in your daily grooming routine, too. Products that will likely utilise DHT blockers to ensure the hormone and its harmful effects on hair follicles are reduced, which will help keep your hair thicker, fuller and healthier.
Scalp care is also increasingly becoming the centre of conversations around hair loss, in a way that skin care was receiving all the attention ten years ago. As you further navigate your hair loss journey and further educate yourself, you’ll soon come to realise just how pivotal scalp care can be in aiding hair loss prevention; it should be an extension of your beauty or grooming regime.
Some examples of scalp care include dedicated massage tools to help with blood circulation of the scalp, which in turn ensures a regular supply of blood to your hair follicles. There is also a wide range of scalp-appropriate hair scrubs and serums which aid in the process of cleansing and repairing hair follicles which will help stimulate growth.
As always, if you start to notice an adverse effect in your hair health, it’s always best to speak to your doctor (as sometimes underlying health issues can cause hair loss).
Article by Josh Bozin