This bad boy has a plethora of benefits and is one of the reasons why so many have luscious locks, acne-free skin, and healthy nails - the archetypical beauty trifecta. If this is not you, then get the hell on board. We need you looking as shiny as you are.


Zinc, an often-overlooked mineral, plays a crucial role in the intricate ecosystem that supports strong, resilient strands and is a key player in maintaining the delicate balance between growth and shedding. With sufficient zinc levels, you foster a healthier environment for your hair follicles, promoting a more harmonious hair cycle and significantly reducing the risk of excessive shedding—no more seeing alarming amounts of hair in your brush or shower!


Beyond supporting hair growth, zinc is instrumental in the synthesis of keratin, the very foundation of your hair's structure. This powerful mineral enhances the strength and elasticity of each strand, reducing the likelihood of breakage and ensuring your hair maintains its integrity. 


We all know that our bodies are what we eat, but when we consider our daily nutrient intake, we often focus on what helps us fit into our favourite jeans, leaving our hair’s nutritional needs in the shadows. For the love of your mane, it’s essential to incorporate a diet rich in key nutrients that contribute to your hair’s vitality. 


Incorporating zinc into your diet is important as it is not produced or stored in the body, meaning you must ingest it daily to maintain optimum levels. Animal sources like red meat, poultry, and seafood are excellent options, offering zinc that’s easily absorbed by the body. For those leaning towards plant-based diets, nuts, seeds, and legumes like chickpeas and lentils are great alternatives, though the absorption rate isn’t quite as high. 


So, how much zinc do you need? Generally, the recommended daily intake is about 11-14 mg for men and 8-10 mg for women. However, individual needs can vary widely. It’s essential to assess your diet and lifestyle to find that sweet spot. While too little zinc can lead to thinning hair, too much can create imbalances. Always consult a healthcare professional before diving into any supplementation.


At Aéde, we’ve crafted our Hair Activist and Power Activist supplements with this vital nutrient in mind. Our formulas offer a carefully balanced blend of hair-loving ingredients designed to nourish your strands from within. We get it—life is busy, and adding one more thing to your routine can be a challenge, that’s why our supplements fit seamlessly into your daily regimen.